Tim Brayford Garden Design- Isle of Wight
Tim Brayford Garden Design - Isle of Wight


It is always nice to receive complimentary feedback from satisfied clients and here is just a small selection of the many commendations that we have received.

Mr & Mrs N
'Thank you for the transformation of the garden. We love the pond and are now eagerly awaiting some wildlife to take up residency.'
Mr D
'...it is a pleasure to be out there now.'
Lady F
'...it is a great improvement.'
Mrs F
'...the drystone wall is marvellous.'
Mrs S
'I am delighted with the roses you have selected...'
Mr. P
'Thank you very much for such efficient work and for your ideas in the planning of the pond and rockery.
Mr. G
'Thank you for the maintenance notes, we will stick to them religiously!'
Miss R
'Thank you for turning an awkwardly shaped, ungainly piece of ground into what has now become, smart and attractive.'

These are just a few of the lovely commeents we have received over our many years of trading. We do, however, respect our existing and past clients privacy and you will not find us sending prospective clients around to knock on your door asking to see the garden!